“Blessed are the peacemakers...”


    “Blessed are the peacemakers...”


    “Blessed are the peacemakers...”


Our Background

Christ Ambassadors for Peace (CAP) is an independent non­profit Christian Organisation dedicated to addressing the root causes of conflicts in South Sudan and the nations. We offer inclusive, and constructive conflict transformation processes, that focuses on addressing conflicts between individuals, po­litical groups, tribal groups, and grassroots communi­ties. These conflict transformation processes seek to provide an alternative to acrimonious and confrontational conflicts that are often characterised by deep distrust among parties, resulting in destructive violence.

The uniqueness of these in­clusive processes is that they are deliberately designed to ad­dress broken relationships among the conflict parties and col­laboratively work towards trust building for equitable and transparent relationships and peacebuilding.


Sustainable Peace in the Nations

We envision a future where violence is not an option for resolving conflicts, but one where every conflict offers citizens the op­portunity to transform their relationships for lasting peace and development.


To accelerate the transition from vio­lent conflicts to sustainable peace in the nations.


We exist to make peace in South Su­dan and beyond.

CAP, therefore, is a platform that provides a safe space to discuss difficult conversations among conflict parties and build the founda­tion for a dialogue process that ultimately will lead to ad­dressing the root causes of conflict, and reconciliation. We hope that these processes will bring an end to the prolonged violent conflicts in South Sudan and many other nations, while also enabling constructive means to resolve future con­flicts.

Our Core Values



  • To identify and strengthen relevant institutional frameworks and heighten their role in trust-building among the R-ARCSS, non-signatories and other parties.
  • To build trust, confidence and instil cooperation among the R-ARCSS, non-signatories and other parties for timely implementation of peace agreements.
  • To work with various political, civic, community and religious leaders in identifying and strengthening such frameworks as a basis for conceptual political relationships and engagements towards the successful exercise of peace and harmony.
  • To identify and mobilize relevant resources for equitably empowering communities in pursuit of peace and harmony.
  • To engage various stakeholders in the nation and communities in finding workable frameworks for equitable sharing of resources
  • To research and develop peace building resource materials and make them easily accessible for people to use.